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Pye, C. 2024. A prosodic account of complex predicate acquisition in Mam: A Mayan language. First Language, Special Issue: The Acquisition of Mesoamerican Languages, 44(6): 657-685. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/01427237241232741].
Pye, C. 2022. Sketching Infant Grammars. Proceedings of the 24th Workshop on American Indigenous Languages. University of California, Santa Barbara, April 9, 2022.
Pye, C. 2022. Exploring language diversity: Commentary on Kidd and Garcia "How Diverse is Child Language Acquisition Research?" First Language 42(6): 799-803. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/01427237221084505].
Pye, C., Berthiaume, S., Pfeiler, B. 2021. The acquisition of noun inflection in Northern Pame (Xi’iuy): Comparing whole word and minimal word accounts. Journal of Child Language 48(6): 1067-1100. [https://doi.org/10.1017/S0305000920000586].
Pye, C. 2021. Documenting the acquisition of indigenous languages. Journal of Child Language 48(3): 454-479. [DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0305000920000318].
Pye, C., Scott Berthiaume, Barbara Pfeiler. 2020. Northern Pame-Spanish language acquisition in the context of incipient language loss. International Journal of Bilingualism 24(2): 246-265. [doi.org/10.1177/1367006919826328].
Ben Ambridge, Laura Doherty, Ramya Maitreyee, Colin Bannard, Soumitra Samanta, Stewart McCauley, Inbal Arnon, Shira Zicherman, Dani Bekman, Amir Efrati, Ruth Berman, Bhuvana Narasimhan, Dipti Misra Sharma, Rukmini Bhaya Nair, Kumiko Fukumura, Tomoko Tatsumi, Seth Campbell, Clifton Pye, Pedro Mateo Pedro, Sindy Fabiola Can Pixabaj, Mario Marroquín Pelíz, Margarita Julajuj Mendoza. 2020. The crosslinguistic acquisition of sentence structure: Computational modeling and grammaticality judgments from adult and child speakers of English, Japanese, Hindi, Hebrew and K’iche’. Cognition.
Pye C. and B. Pfeiler. 2019. The Acquisition of Directionals in Two Mayan Languages. Front. Psychol. 10:2442. [doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02442].
Gharib, Hiba and Clifton Pye. 2018. The clitic status of person markers in Sorani Kurdish. Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics 39 (4): 57-65.
Aryawibawa, I. Nyoman, Ida Bagus Putra Yadnya, I. Gusti Ngurah Parthama, Clifton L. Pye. 2018. Balinese spatial reference frames: Linguistic and non-linguistic evidence from the north of Bali. Lingua 215:40-52.
Pye, C. 2017. The Comparative Method of Language Acquisition Research. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Pye, C., Barbara Pfeiler, Pedro Mateo Pedro and Donald Stengel. 2017. Analysis of Variation in Mayan Child Phonologies. Lingua 198:38-52.
Pye, C., Barbara Pfeiler and Pedro Mateo Pedro. 2017. The acquisition of Mayan languages. In Judith Aissen, Nora England and Roberto Zavala Maldonado (Eds.), The Mayan Languages, pp. 19-42. London: Routledge.
Pye, C. and Pfeiler, B. 2017. A comparative study of the acquisition of nominative and ergative agreement in European and Mayan languages. In Diane Massam, Lisa Travis and Jessica Coon (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Ergativity, 665-689. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Pye, C. 2017. A metaphorical theory of meaning. Linguistik Indonesia 35:1-12.
Pye, Clifton, Barbara Pfeiler and Pedro Mateo Pedro. 2017. The Acquisition of Negation in Three Mayan Languages. Estudios de Cultura Maya 49: 227-246.
Pye, C. 2016. Mayan Negation Cycles. In Elly van Gelderen (ed.), Cyclical Change Continued, 219-247. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Pfeiler, B. and Pye, C. 2014. El método comparativo: una propuesta para la investigación de la adquisición del lenguaje. (The comparative method: a proposal for the investigation of language acquisition). In Andreas Koechert, Barbara Pfeiler and Alexander W. Voss (eds.), Planteamientos metodológicos Interdisciplinarios, pp. 23-44. Austria: ACPUB Academic Publishers.
Pye, C. and Pfeiler, B. 2014. The Acquisition of Ergative Agreement in Mayan Languages. Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on the Indigenous Languages of Latin America, October 24-26, 2013, University of Texas at Austin.
Pye, C. and Pfeiler, B. 2014. The Comparative Method of Language Acquisition Research: A Mayan Case Study. Journal of Child Language 41: 382-415.
Pye, C., Barbara Pfeiler and Pedro Mateo Pedro. 2013. The Acquisition of Extended Ergativity in Mam, Q’anjob’al and Yucatec. In Edith Bavin and Sabine Stoll (eds.), The Acquisition of Ergativity, pp. 307-335. John Benjamins: Amsterdam.
Brown, P., Barbara Pfeiler, Lourdes de León and Clifton Pye. 2013. The Acquisition of Agreement in Four Mayan Languages. In Edith Bavin and Sabine Stoll (eds.), The Acquisition of Ergativity, pp. 271-305. John Benjamins: Amsterdam.
Pye, C. 2013. A Tale of Two Mam Children: Contact Induced Language Change in Mayan Child Language. International Journal of American Linguistics 79 (4): 555-575.
Pye, C. 2012. The Poverty of the Mayan Stimulus. Journal of Child Language 39:611-636.
Pye, C. 2011. Mayan Stative Predication. In Proceedings of Formal Approaches to Mayan Linguistics, Shklovsky, Kirill, Pedro Mateo Pedro, and Jessica Coon (eds). MIT Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 63: 191-207. Cambridge, MA: MITWPL.
Pye, C. 2010. A Distributed Architecture for the Documentation of Language and Culture. NSF white paper, SBE 2020: Future Research in the Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences.
Pye, C. 2009. Cycles of Complementation in the Mayan Languages. In Elly van Gelderen (ed.), Cyclical Change, pp. 265-284. John Benjamins: Amsterdam.
Pye, C., Pedro Mateo, Bárbara Pfeiler, Ana López, Pedro Gutiérrez, Donald Stengel and Charles Pye. 2008. Adquisición de consonantes iniciales en cinco lenguas mayas: un análisis fonológico. Proceedings of the IX Encuentro Internacional de Lingüística en el Noroeste, Hermosillo, Mexico.
Pye, C. 2007. The genetic matrix of Mayan applicative acquisition. Linguistics 45.3: 653-682.
Pye, C. 2007. Explaining Ergativity. In Barbara Pfeiler (ed.), Learning indigenous languages: Child language acquisition in Mesoamerica, pp. 47-68. Hannover: Verlag für Ethnologie, Colección Americana X.
Pye C., Pfeiler, B., de León, L., Brown, P. and Mateo, P. 2007. Roots or edges?: A comparative study of Mayan children’s early verb forms. In Barbara Pfeiler (ed.), Learning indigenous languages: Child language acquisition in Mesoamerica, pp. 15-46. Hannover: Verlag für Ethnologie, Colección Americana X.
Pye, C. y Mateo, P. 2006. Estudio comparativo de la adquisición del sistema ergativo en dos lenguas mayas. Proceedings of the Congreso de Idiomas Indígenas de Latinoamérica.
Brackenbury, Timothy and Pye, C. 2005. Semantic Deficits in Children With Language Impairments: Issues for Clinical Assessment. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 36: 5-16.
Pye, C. 2001. The Acquisition of Finiteness in K’iche’ Maya. BUCLD 25: Proceedings of the 25th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, pp. 645-656. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Pye, C. 2001. La adquisición de la morfología verbal en el maya k’iche. In Cecilia Rojas
and Lourdes de León (eds.), Procedimientos del IV Encuentro sobre Adquisición del Lenguaje. Mexico.
Pye, C., Aoki, T., and Morikawa, H. 2000. Verb acquisition in English and Japanese., in M. M. T. Henderson (ed), Proceedings of the 1999 Mid-America Linguistics Conference. Department of Linguistics, University of Kansas.
D. Ingram and C. Pye 1998. The acquisition of ergativity. Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Edited by Morton A. Gernsbacher and Sharon J. Derry, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, N.J. 520-524.
Loeb, D.F., Pye, C., Richardson, L. Z., and Redmond, S. 1998. Causative alternations of children with specific language impairment. J. of Speech-Language-Hearing Research 41:1103-1114.
Pye, C. 1998. Zoque verb compounds. Proceedings of the 1997 Mid-America Linguistics Conference, Columbia, Missouri. 358-365.
Loeb, D.F., Pye, C., Redmond, S., and Richardson, L. Z. 1996. Eliciting verbs from children with specific language impairment. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 5.17-30.
Pye, C. 1996. K’iche’ Maya verbs of breaking and cutting. Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics 21.87-98.
Pye, C. and Pao, Y. Y. 1996. Making the cut. In K. Booker, F. Ingemann and F. Mc Laughlin (Eds.), The Proceedings of the 1994 Mid-America Linguistics Conference, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas.
Pye, C., Loeb, D. F., Pao, Y. Y. 1996. The Acquisition of Breaking and Cutting. In E. V. Clark (Ed.), The Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh Annual Child Language Research Forum, 27.227-236. Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information.
Pye, C., Loeb, D. F., Redmond, S. and Richardson, L. Z. 1995. When Do Children Acquire Verbs? In E. V. Clark (Ed.), The Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth Annual Child Language Research Forum, pp. 60-70. Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information.
Pye, C. 1993. A Cross-Linguistic Approach to the Causative Alternation, in Yonata Levy (Ed.), Other Children, Other Languages, pp. 243-263. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Ingram, D. and Pye, C. 1993. The acquisition of miniature languages: The search for a new paradigm. International Journal of Psycholinguistics 9.147-158.
Pye, C., Cheung, H., and Kemper, S. 1992. Island Constraints at Eighty. In H. Goodluck and M. Rochemont (Eds.), Island Constraints: Theory, Acquisition and Processing. Pp. 351-372. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Pye, C. 1992. Language Loss in the Chilcotin. In Allan R. Taylor (Ed.), International Journal of the Sociology of Language, Special Issue 93.75-86.
Pye, C. 1991. Acquiring Lexical Constraints on Causatives in K'iche' Maya. Papers and Reports on Child Language Development, Stanford, 30.96-103.
Pye, C. 1991. The Acquisition of K'iche' (Maya), (1991), in Dan Isaac Slobin (Ed.), The Crosslinguistic Study of Language Acquisition,Vol. 3, pp. 221-308. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Pye, C. 1990. The Acquisition of Ergative Languages, Linguistics 28.1291-1330.
Pye, C. 1991. Learning to Constrain Verb Transitivity. in F. Ingemann (Ed.), 1990 Mid-America Linguistics Conference Papers (1991), 294-304. Department of Linguistics, University of Kansas.
Pye, C. 1990. The Acquisition of Vo Movement, Papers and Reports on Child Language Development, Stanford, 29.96-103.
Pye, C. 1990. Acquisition of Xo Movement, Working Papers in Language Development, University of Kansas, 5.167-185.
Pye, C. and Rekart, D. 1990. La Adquisición del K'iche'. In Nora C. England and Stephen R. Elliott (Eds.), Lecturas sobre la Lingüistica Maya, pp. 115-126. La Antigua, Guatemala: Centro de Investigaciones Regionales de Mesoamérica.
Pye, C. 1989. The Focus Antipassive in Quiché Mayan, Kansas University Working Papers in Linguistics.
Pye, C. and Quixtan Poz, P. 1989. Why Functionalism won't Function: The Acquisition of Passives and Antipassives in K'iche' Mayan, Working Papers in Language Development, 4.39-53. The Child Language Program, University of Kansas. (co-author Pedro Quixtan Poz).
Pye, C. and Quixtan Poz, P. 1988. Precocious Passives (and Antipassives) in Quiché Mayan, Papers and Reports on Child Language Development, Stanford, 27.71-80.
Pye, C., Wilcox, K. A. and Siren, K. A. 1988. Refining Transcriptions: The Significance of Transcriber ‘Errors’. Journal of Child Language 15.17-37.
Pye, C. and Ingram, D. 1988. Automating the Analysis of Child Phonology, Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 2.115-137.
Pye, C. 1988. Setting the Ergative Parameter, in M. M. T. Henderson (Ed), 1987 Mid-America Linguistics Conference Papers, pp. 239-251. Department of Linguistics, University of Kansas.
Pye, C. 1988. Towards an Anthropology of Language Acquisition, in Ben G. Blount (Ed.), Language Sciences 10.123-146.
Pye, C. 1987. The Pye Analysis of Language, Working Papers in Language Development 3.1-37. The Child Language Program, University of Kansas.
Pye, C., Ingram, D. and List, H. 1987. A Comparison of Initial Consonant Acquisition in English and Quiché. In Keith Nelson and Anne van Kleeck (Eds.), Children's Language, Vol. 6, pp. 175-190. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Pye, C. 1986. An Ethnography of Mayan Speech to Children. Working Papers in Child Language 1:30-58. The Child Language Program, University of Kansas.
Pye, C. 1986. One Lexicon or Two?: An alternative interpretation of early bilingual speech The Journal of Child Language 13:591-593.
Pye, C. 1986. Quiché Mayan Speech to Children. The Journal of Child Language 13:85-100.
Pye, C. 1985. The Acquisition of Transitivity in Quiché Mayan, Papers and Reports on Child Language Development, Stanford, 24:115-22.
Bernstein Ratner, N. and Pye, C. 1984. Higher Pitch in BT is not Universal: Acoustic Evidence from Quiché Mayan. The Journal of Child Language 11:515-522.
Pye, C. 1983. Mayan Telegraphese: Intonational Determinants of Inflectional Development in Quiché Mayan. Language 59:583-604.
Pye, C. 1982. Mayan Telegraphese: Stage I Speech in Quiché Mayan in Proceedings of the Second International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Vol. I, Carolyn Echols Johnson and Carol Larson Thew (Eds.), Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, pp. 201-19.
Pye, C. 1980. Person Marker Acquisition in Quiché Mayan, Papers and Reports on Child Language Development, Stanford, 19:53-9.
Pye, C. 1979. The Acquisition of Quiché (Mayan), Current Anthropology 20:459-60.
Unpublished manuscripts
Pye, C. The Acquisition of K’iche’ Status Suffixes.
Pye, C. Wonderful Forms: Comparing Mayan Poverty of the Stimulus Arguments.
Pye, C. Conversation with Quiché Children, in Louanna Furbee (Ed.), Mayan Text and Discourse, Mayan Texts 4, Native American Texts Series. Berlin: Mouton.
Pye, C. 1993. Breaking Concepts: Constraining Predicate Argument Structure.
Pye, C. A Note on Novel Verb Tasks.
Pye, C. Verb Argument Structure in Copainalá Zoque.
Pye, C. and Quixtan Poz, P. The Function of Passives and Antipassives in K’iche’ Mayan.
Pye, C. A Functional Analysis of Nonactive Voice in Quiché Mayan.
Pye, C. A featural analysis of Quiché Mayan speech to children.