Ling 483/783

Parse Some Sentences

Due: Nov. 3rd

1. Modify the parser so that the program parses strings with a sequence of zero to three auxiliary verbs like the following:

            ADJ N V P DET N

            DET N AUX AUX V N

2. Modify the parser so that the program parses strings with infinitival verb complement clauses like the following:

            DET N V to V DET ADJ N

            ADJ N V DET N to V ADJ N

            N V DET N P DET N to V DET N

3. Modify the parser so that the program produces a recursive parse of strings with relative clauses that modify the direct object like the following:

            N V DET N [who V]

            N V ADJ N [which V DET N [who V] ]

            DET V DET N [that V N [who V N [which V] ] ]