Ling 483/783

Sample Perl Programs



# produces a table using CGI package

use warnings;

use strict;

use CGI qw( :standard );

print header(), start_html( "Environment Variables" );

print '<table border = "0" cellspacing = "2">';

foreach my $variable ( sort( keys %ENV ) ) {

   print Tr( td( b( "$variable:" ) ),

             td( i( $ENV{ $variable } ) ) );


print '</table>', end_html();



# This program responds to possession and location queries

# It ends when the user types "thanks"

# It uses the hashes @weapon and @room to keep track of the objects

%weapon = (); %room = ();

# Block 1. Read in data file

open ITEMS, "< clue.txt";

while (chop( $input = <ITEMS> )) {

   ($name, $weap, $rm) = split /\t/, $input;

   $weapon{$name} = $weap; $room{$name} = $rm;

   print "$name, $weapon{$name}, $room{$name}.\n";

} # end while

# Block 2. Request a prompt from the user

print "Hello Dave. What can I do for you? \n";

chop( our $question = <> );                #Get the question from the standard input

$question = lc $question;

# Main program loop

until ( $question eq 'thanks' ) {

   if ( question($question) ) {   #Answers the questions

      print "$response";


             else {

      print "I don\'t understand that question. Ask a different question.\n";


   chop( $question = <> );                    #Get another question from the standard input

   $question = lc $question;

} #End main loop


sub question {

   #Test 1. See if question is 'Where is someone?'

   if ( $question =~ m/where is (\w+)/ ) {

      $response = "$1 is in the $room{$1}.\n";

   } #end Test 1

   #Test 2. See if question is 'What does someone have?'

   elsif ( $question =~ m/what does (\w+) have/) {

      $response = "$1 has the $weapon{$1}.\n";

   } #end Test 2

   #Test 3. See if question is ‘Is someone in somewhere with something?'

   elsif ( $question =~ m/is (\w+) in the (\w+) with (a|the) (\w+)/ ) {

      if ($2 eq $room{$1} and $4 eq $weapon{$1}) {

         $response = "Yes, $1 is in the $2 with a $4\n";


      elsif ($2 eq $room{$1}) {

         $response = "Well, $1 is in the $2.\n";


      else {

         $response = "No, $1 is not in the $2.\n";


   } #end Test 3

} # end sub question



# This program responds to possession and location queries

# It ends when the user types "thanks"

# It uses the hashes @weapon and @room to keep track of the objects

# It replaces subroutines with the Question package

use Question;

our $response = '';

# Block 2. Request a prompt from the user

print "Hello Dave. What can I do for you? \n";

chop( our $question = <> );                #Get the question from the standard input

$question = lc $question;

# Main program loop

until ( $question eq 'thanks' ) {

   if ( question($question) ) {   #Answers the questions

      print "$response";


             else {

      print "I don\'t understand that question. Ask a different question.\n";


   chop( $question = <> );                    #Get another question from the standard input

   $question = lc $question;

} #End main loop



# Responds to

# It uses the hashes @weapon and @room to keep track of the objects

package Question;

use Exporter;

our @ISA = qw( Exporter );

our @EXPORT = qw( &question $response );

my %weapon = (); my %room = ();

# Block 1. Read in data file

open ITEMS, "< clue.txt" ;

while (chop( $input = <ITEMS> )) {

   (my $name, my $weap, my $rm) = split /\t/, $input;

   $weapon{$name} = $weap; $room{$name} = $rm;

   print "$name, $weapon{$name}, $room{$name}.\n";

} #end while

sub question {

   my $query = shift();

   #Test 1. See if question is 'Where is someone?'

   if ( $query =~ m/where is (\w+)/ ) {

      $response = "$1 is in the $room{$1}.\n";

   } #end Test 1

   #Test 2. See if question is 'What does someone have?'

   elsif ( $query =~ m/what does (\w+) have/) {

      $response = "$1 has the $weapon{$1}.\n";

   } #end Test 2

   #Test 3. See if question is ‘Is someone in somewhere with something?'

   elsif ( $query =~ m/is (\w+) in the (\w+) with (a|the) (\w+)/ ) {

      if ($2 eq $room{$1} and $4 eq $weapon{$1}) {

         $response = "Yes, $1 is in the $2 with a $4\n";


      elsif ($2 eq $room{$1}) {

         $response = "Well, $1 is in the $2.\n";


      else {

         $response = "No, $1 is not in the $2.\n";


   } #end Test 3

} # end sub question




# This program responds to possession and location queries

# It ends when the user types "thanks"

# It uses the hashes @weapon and @room to keep track of the objects

# It replaces subroutines with the Question2 package

use Question2;

our $response = '';

my %weapon = (); my %room = ();

# Block 1. Read in data file

open ITEMS, "< clue.txt" ;

while (chop( $input = <ITEMS> )) {

   (my $name, my $weap, my $rm) = split /\t/, $input;

   $weapon{$name} = $weap; $room{$name} = $rm;

   print "$name, $weapon{$name}, $room{$name}.\n";

} #end while

# Block 2. Request a prompt from the user

print "Hello Dave. What can I do for you? \n";

chop( our $question = <> );                #Get the question from the standard input

$question = lc $question;

# Main program loop

until ( $question eq 'thanks' ) {

   if ( question($question, \%weapon, \%room) ) {      #Answers the questions

      print "$response";


   else {

                print "I don\'t understand your question.\n";



   chop( $question = <> );                    #Get another question from the standard input

   $question = lc $question;

} #End main loop


# for

#no hashes!

package Question2;

use Exporter;

our @ISA = qw( Exporter );

our @EXPORT = qw( &question $response );

sub question {

   my $query = $_[0];

   my %weapon = %{$_[1]};

   my %room = %{$_[2]};

   #Test 1. See if question is 'Where is someone?'

   if ( $query =~ m/where is (\w+)/ ) {

      $response = "$1 is in the $room{$1}.\n";

   } #end Test 1

   #Test 2. See if question is 'What does someone have?'

   elsif ( $query =~ m/what does (\w+) have/) {

      $response = "$1 has the $weapon{$1}.\n";

   } #end Test 2

   #Test 3. See if question is ‘Is someone in somewhere with something?'

   elsif ( $query =~ m/is (\w+) in the (\w+) with (a|the) (\w+)/ ) {

      if ($2 eq $room{$1} and $4 eq $weapon{$1}) {

         $response = "Yes, $1 is in the $2 with a $4\n";


      elsif ($2 eq $room{$1}) {

         $response = "Well, $1 is in the $2.\n";


      else {

         $response = "No, $1 is not in the $2.\n";


   } #end Test 3

} # end sub question

return 1;



# This program responds to possession and location queries

# It ends when the user types "thanks"

# It uses packages to simplify the main program section

use Question4;

# Block 1. Initialize settings

my %weapon = (); my %room = ();

my $computer = "hall";

my @perp = ("mustard", "plum", "scarlet", "peacock", "white", "green");

my @weap = ("knife", "candlestick", "revolver", "rope", "lead_pipe", "wrench");

my @rm = ("kitchen", "billiard_room", "conservatory", "library", "lounge", "dining_room", "study", "ballroom");

# Pick the culprit, weapon and room

my $who = $perp[ rand @perp ];

my $what = $weap[ rand @weap ];

my $where = $rm[ rand @rm ];

# Assign characters and weapons to random rooms

fisher_yates_shuffle( \@rm );

fisher_yates_shuffle( \@weap );

foreach $perp ( @perp ) {

   $room{$perp} = $rm[$i];

   $weapon{$perp} = $weap[$i];

   $i = $i + 1;

} # end foreach $perp

# Block 3. Display the initial room setting

print "\nGood evening Chief Inspector.\n";

print "\nI am Jeeves, the head butler. I'm sorry you had to come\n";

print "out on a night like this. I'm afraid someone in the house\n";

print "has committed a murder and we need you to solve the crime.\n";

print "The mansion contains nine rooms.\n";

print "We are presently standing in the hall.\n";

print "To our right are the study, the library, the billiard_room and the lounge.\n";

print "To our left are the ballroom, the conservatory, the dining_room and the kitchen.\n";

print "I will be happy to show you around the house and\n";

print "introduce you to our guests.\n";

print "Which room would you like to inpect first?\n\n";

# Block 4. The main program loop

chop( my $question = <> );                #Get the question from the standard input

$question = lc $question;

# Main program loop

until ( $question eq 'thanks' ) {

   question($question, $who, $what, $where, \@perp, \@weap, \@rm, \%weapon, \%room);


   chop( $question = <> );                    #Get another question from the standard input

   $question = lc $question;

} #End main loop

############# Subroutines ###################

# Perl Cookbook (Christiansen & Torkington 1998, p. 121)

sub fisher_yates_shuffle {

   my $array = shift;

   my $i;

   for ( $i = @$array; --$i; ) {

      my $j = int rand ($i+1);

      next if $i == $j;

      @$array[$i,$j] = @$array[$j,$i];

   } # end for array

} #end sub shuffle



# Responds to

package Question4;

use Exporter;

our @ISA = qw( Exporter );

our @EXPORT = qw( &question );

   @mustard = ("A beastly night for this sort of thing, eh Chief Inspector?\n",

            "Who would leave something like this lying about?\n");

   @plum = ("Good to see you again old boy.\n",

            "Are you making any progress old bean?\n");

   @scarlet = ("I would tell you anything you want to know!\n",

            "I might have something else for you up in my bedroom.\n");

   @peacock = ("The sooner you can clear up this mess the better.\n",

            "Haven't you solved this business yet?\n");

   @white = ("I'm afraid to stay here a minute longer.\n",

            "Can you leave a constable to protect me?\n");

   @green = ("I haven't heard a thing all evening.\n",

            "I'm afraid I can't help you any further.\n");

sub question {

   my $n = $n + 1;                    #Count the number of steps

   my $q = 0;                            #Flag to see if question is legitimate

   my $question = $_[0];

   my $who = $_[1];

   my $what = $_[2];

   my $where = $_[3];

   my @perp = @{$_[4]};

   my @weap = @{$_[5]};

   my @rm = @{$_[6]};

   my %weapon = %{$_[7]};

   my %room = %{$_[8]};

   # where is plum?

   if ( $question =~ m/where is (\w+)/ ) {

      print "$1 is in the $room{$1}.\n";

      $q = $q + 1;

   } # end if where

   # go to the study

   elsif ( $question =~ m/the (\w+)/ ) {

      foreach $rm (@rm) {

         if ( $1 eq $rm ) {

            $computer = $1;

            print "\nJeeves: This way Chief Inspector.\n";

            print "\nJeeves: We are now in the $computer.\n";

            $q = $q + 1;

            if ( $computer eq $where ) {

               print "\n\Jeeves: There\'s a body stretched out on the floor here!\n";

            } # end if where

            foreach $person (keys %room) {

               if ( $room{$person} eq $computer ) {

                  print "\nJeeves: Chief Inspector, allow me to introduce you to $person.\n";

                  print "\n$person: Good evening Chief Inspector.";

                  print "\n$person: @$person[0]\n";

                  $ref = $person;

                  if ($person eq "peacock" or $person eq "scarlet" or $person eq "white" ) {

                     $pronoun = "her"; }

                  else {$pronoun = "him"; }

                  if ( my $time eq '' ) {

                     print "\nJeeves: You might ask $pronoun to assist you.\n\n";

                      $time = $time +1;

                  } #end if time


              } # end if room

           } # end foreach person

           print "\nJeeves: None of our guests are here Chief Inspector.\n";

           print "Jeeves: Which room would you like to inspect next?\n\n";

         } # end if_room

      } # end foreach_room

   } # end elsif go to

   # can_you help me?

   elsif ( $question =~ m/(what )?(can|will|did) you.*/ ) {

      $q = $q + 1;

      print "$ref: I found this $weapon{$ref} when I entered the $room{$ref}\n";

      print "$ref: @$ref[1]\n";

      if ( $what eq $weapon{$ref} ) {

         print "$ref: The $what has blood stains on it.\n";

         print "\nJeeves: You might ask who gave the $what to $pronoun.\n\n";


      } # end if what

      print "\nJeeves: Which room would you like to inspect now?\n\n";

   } # end if can you

   # who_gave_it

   elsif ( $question =~ m/who gave you the (\w+)/ ) {

      $q = $q + 1;

      if ( $1 ne $what ) {

         print "$ref: It was here all along.\n\n";

      } # end if ne what

      elsif ( $ref ne $who ) {

         print "$ref: $who gave it to me.\n\n";

      } # end ne who

      else {print "$ref: I found it in the $where.\n\n";}

   } #end who gave it

   # what_rooms are there?

   elsif ( $question =~ m/what rooms/ ) {

      print "The mansion contains nine rooms.\n";

      print "We are presently standing in the $computer.\n";

      print "There are the study, the library, the billiard_room and the lounge.\n";

      print "There are also the ballroom, the conservatory, the dining_room and the kitchen.\n";

      $q = $q + 1;

   } # end what rooms

   # what does plum have?

   elsif ( $question =~ m/what does (\w+) have/) {

      print "Jeeves: $1 has the $weapon{$1}.\n";

      $q = $q + 1;

      if ( $what eq $weapon{$1} ) {

         print "The $what has blood stains on it.\n";

      } # end if what weapon

   } #end what does x have

   # inspect the body

   elsif ( $question =~ m/((look at)|inspect) the body/) {

      $q = $q + 1;

      if ( $computer eq $where ) {

         if ( $what eq 'knife' ) {

            print "There are stab wounds on the body.\n\n";

         } # end if knife

         if ( $what eq 'candlestick' ) {

            print "The victim was beaten with a blunt instrument.\n\n";

         } # end if candlestick

         if ( $what eq 'lead_pipe' ) {

            print "The victim was beaten with a blunt instrument.\n\n";

         } # end if lead pipe

         if ( $what eq 'wrench' ) {

            print "The victim was beaten with a blunt instrument.\n\n";

         } # end if wrench

         if ( $what eq 'revolver' ) {

            print "There are bullet wounds in the body.\n\n";

         } # end if revolver

         if ( $what eq 'rope' ) {

            print "There are rope burns around the neck.\n\n";

         } # end if rope

      } #end if where

      else { print "What body?\n"; }

   } #end inspect

   # was it plum in the study with the wrench?

   elsif ( $question =~ m/was it (\w+) in the (\w+) with (a|the) (\w+)/ ) {

      $q = $q + 1;

      if ($1 eq $who and $2 eq $where and $4 eq $what) {

         print "Jeeves: Congratulations! You found the perpetrator!\n";

         print "Jeeves: It only took you $n turns to catch the culprit.\n";


      } # end congrats

      elsif ($1 eq $who and $4 eq $what) {

         print "Jeeves: Now you need to find the right room.\n\n";

      } # end hint who and what

      elsif ($2 eq $where and $4 eq $what) {

         print "Jeeves: Now you need to find the culprit.\n\n";

      } # end hint where and what

      elsif ($1 eq $who) {

         print "Jeeves: You\'re on the right track! \n\n";

      } # end hint who

      elsif ($4 eq $what) {

         print "Jeeves: You\'ve discovered the weapon!\n\n";

      } # end hint what

      else {print "Jeeves: You still need to eliminate some suspects.\n\n";}

   } # end guess

   if ( $q == 0 ) {

      print "I don\'t understand. Please rephrase that.\n";

   } # end if $q

} # end sub question

return 1;

#Raechel's solution

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

$i = 1;
while ($i <= 10) {
$ia = $i**2;
print "<html><title>Ex 75</title>";
print "<body>";
print "<p>$ia equals $i squared</p>";
print "</body></html>";


use CGI qw( :standard );

print header(), start_html ( "Ex 7.6" );
print '<table border = "1" cellspacing = "2">';
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 10) {
$ia = $i**2;
print Tr( td( "$i squared equals" ),
td( $ia ) );

print '</table>', end_html();