Pronoun Anaphora Survey

We are using this web site to collect reader intuitions about pronoun reference. Please respond to the questions below by clicking next to the interpretation that matches your intuitions about the meaning of the pronouns in the example sentences. We are interested in discovering how you interpret the pronouns and not how you think the pronouns should be interpreted. Your responses will help us determine the degree of variation that presently exists in the understanding of pronouns.

Please read the following sentences and respond to the question about the pronouns that comes after each sentence. You can leave a response blank if you are unsure of your answer. If you make a mistake, you can click on the reset button to start over. When you have finished the survey, click the send button to send us your responses. Thank you for helping us learn more about pronouns.


(1) When Mickey came over, Goofy tied his shoes.

Does the pronoun ‘his' in sentence (1) refer to:
Neither Mickey or Goofy Mickey Goofy Both Mickey and Goofy
