Assessment #3: Phonological Analysis

For this assignment you will prepare a phonological analysis of Charlie’s word-initial consonants using Ingram’s method of phonetic inventories and phonological contrasts (pp. 203-210). You can hear an mp3 sample of this recording. Your analysis should contain four sections:


            1. An abbreviated phonological lexicon (~Table 6.27, p. 204)          4 points

            2. Charlie’s phonetic inventory (~6.12, p. 206)                                 5 points

            3. A substitution analysis (~6.13, p. 206)                                          4 points

            4. Charlie’s phonological system (~6.14, p. 207)                              5 points

709 students (and 425 students who want extra credit) should discuss Charlie’s word-initial consonant system (from #4) in relation to Jakobson’s theory of phonological acquisition. Which aspects of Charlie’s consonant system support or contradict Jakobson’s theory, and why? (4 points)

To use the phonological analysis program that I demonstrated in class, you will need the following files:

            phonix (a zipped version of the program)

            phonetic.dic (the dictionary file)

            pal (the program manual)

Save Charlie’s file as a notepad file in a folder on your computer’s desktop. Download the phonix program, the dictionary file and the manual to the same folder. You will also need to unzip the program file. Double click on the program icon to run it.