LINGUISTICS 425/709: Child Language Acquisition
TuTh 2:30PM - 3:45PM, 108 Blake
Instructor: Clifton Pye, Blake 424, 864-3450, pyersqr (at) ku (dot) edu
Office Hours: Tuesday, Thursday 1-2 pm or by appointment.
Textbook: First Language Acquisition by David Ingram
The question of how children acquire their first language(s) defines the core of generative grammar. This question is a central concern of linguistics precisely because children become proficient speakers of any human language faster than linguists. The course will introduce students to the challenge of discovering what is universal and what is particular about children’s acquisition of different languages. The course will examine data on children’s lexical, semantic, phonological and morphosyntactic development with the goal of distinguishing universal processes from their language-specific manifestations. By analyzing child language samples, students will become familiar with basic research techniques and how to use these results to evaluate acquisition theories. Students should be able to intelligently discuss the method, description and explanation of articles on language acquisition by the end of the semester.
I. Study questions (60%)
The course grade will be based primarily on written responses to the study questions for each segment of the class. The study questions cover material that is in the text book as well as material introduced in class. Study questions must be turned in by the last day of each segment. Late questions will not be accepted. The study questions will count towards 60% of the course grade.
Study Questions |
Due Date |
Jan. 26 |
2 Words |
Feb. 7 |
3 Meaning |
Feb. 21 |
Mar. 7 |
Apr. 13 |
Apr. 27 |
7 Pronouns |
May 4 |
II. Homework assignments (30%)
The course grade will be also be based on three short analyses of child language data and two in-class exams. Each analysis and exam will count towards 10% of the course grade. The analyses will assess lexical, phonological and syntactic development and use the results to evaluate a theory of language acquisition. The analyses should be limited to three double-spaced TYPED pages for undergraduates and five double-spaced pages for graduate students.
Assignments |
Percentage |
Due Date |
1 |
10% |
Feb. 14 |
2 |
10% |
Mar. 9 |
3 |
10% |
May 4 |
III. Class participation (10%)
Classroom participation is expected and will count towards 10% of the final mark for all students. The class will have a discussion format, and I will call on each student from time to time to participate in the discussion. Students cannot earn full credit for participation without coming to class.
Academic Misconduct:
Plagiarism, including cheating on exams, is the presentation of someone else’s work as your own. Plagiarism includes copying off of handouts, class notes/slides, the textbook, or internet without citing the source of information. Plagiarism will result in a grade of zero for any assignment or exam and the incident will be reported to University authorities. A second offence will result in an F for the class. Please ask me if you have any questions or concerns about how to avoid plagiarizing someone’s else’s work.
Student Accommodations
The Academic Achievement & Access Center coordinates accommodations and services for all KU students with disabilities or special circumstances. If you have a disability for which you wish to request accommodations and have not contacted the AAAC, please do so as soon as possible. Their office is located in 22 Strong Hall; their phone number is 785-864-2620. Please contact me privately in regard to your needs in this course as soon as possible.
The reading assignments are designed to complement the class lectures for the week. It is to your advantage to complete the reading before the class discussion of the topic.
Tentative Dates |
Topic |
Reading |
Study Questions |
Jan. 17 |
Ingram 1-31; 38-80 |
The Period of Single Word Utterances |
Jan. 26 |
Ingram 139-154 |
Feb. 7 |
Ingram 155-160; 394-432 |
Feb. 21 |
Ingram 83-115; 180-219 |
First Word Combinations |
Mar. 7 |
Ingram 234-261 |
Mar. 14 |
Ingram 261-302 |
Mar. 21 |
Apr. 4 |
Ingram 302-337 |
Advanced Language Development |
Apr. 11 |
Ingram 435-454 |
Apr. 25 |
Ingram 454-465 |
May 2 |
Ingram 331-332; 483-493 |